On this page you can find a location map as well as a list of places and services available around Kirchstraße: Hotels, restaurants, sports facilities, educational centers, ATMs, supermarkets, gas stations and more.
Services near Kirchstraße Please click on the checkbox to the left of the service name to show in the map the location of the selected services.
Financial Services Bank - 241mVolksbank Geschäftsstelle Wachtendonk - BankCard ServiceNetz - Volksbank an der Niers eG Achter de Stadt, 1 Opening hours: PH off, Mo,Tu,Th,Fr 10:00-12:30, Mo 14:00-16:00, Th 14:00-18:00 Bank - 335mSparkasse Filiale Wachtendonk - Sparkasse Krefeld Friedensplatz, 6 Phone: +49 2836 900745870 Opening hours: Mo,Fr 09:00-13:00,14:00-16:00; Tu,Th 09:00-13:00,14:00-18:00; We 09:00-13:00; PH offShopping Optician - 210mSchadwald Weinstraße, 26 Opening hours: Mo 09:00-12:30, Tu-Fr 09:00-12:30, Sa 10:00-13:00, Tu-Fr 14:30-18:00 antiques shop - 174mLAND Art Weinstraße, 23 Opening hours: Tu-Fr 15:00-18:00; Sa 11:00-14:00 Florist - 115mBlumen Paes Feldstraße, 21 47669 Wachtendonk Phone: +49 2836 652 Opening hours: Mo-Fr 08:30-12:30, 14:30-18:30; Sa 08:00-13:00; Su off dry cleaning - 273mLucia Peuten Änderungsschneiderei Klosterstraße, 2 Phone: +49 2836 972300 tickets - 108mVorverkaufsstelle Gemeindewerke Wachtendonk Weinstraße, 1 Die Verkaufsstelle befindet sich im Bürgerbüro des Rathauses der Gemeinde Wachtendonk Opening hours: Mo-Th 08:00-15:30; Fr 08:00-12:00 Electronics - 57mElektro Reiners Weinstraße, 8 47669 Wachtendonk Phone: +49 2836 9123 0 Bakery - 128mBäckerei-Konditorei-Stadtcafé „Ticheloven“ Weinstraße, 18 Phone: +49 2836 312 Email: aticheloven@t-online.de Opening hours: Tu-Fr 06:00-18:30; Sa 06:00-18:00; Su 08:00-18:00 Bicycles - 424mZweirad Schrader Friedensplatz, 2 47669 Wachtendonk Phone: +49 2836 435 Fax: +49 2836 85372 Email: schrader-ingo@t-online.de Opening hours: Tu, Th, Fr 09:00-13:00, 14:30-18:00; Sa 09:00-13:00 Clothes shop - 58mStephanie Andrae Mode Weinstraße, 10 47669 Wachtendonk Phone: +49 2836 85402 Email: stephanieandrae@web.de Opening hours: Tu-Fr 10:00-12:30, 15:00-18:00; Sa 10:00-13:00Eating and Drinking Cafe - 74mCafé & Weinstube Harmes „Im Hinterhof“ Weinstraße, 12 Phone: +49 2836 7245 Opening hours: Tu-Sa 14:00-22:00; Th off; Su 10:00-19:15 Cafe - 128mBäckerei-Konditorei-Stadtcafé „Ticheloven“ Weinstraße, 18 Phone: +49 2836 312 Email: aticheloven@t-online.de Opening hours: Tu-Fr 06:00-18:30; Sa 06:00-18:00; Su 08:00-18:00 Fast food - 535mLa Turi Bergstraße, 2 47669 Wachtendonk Phone: +49 2836 3144488 Opening hours: Mo,We-Th 12:00-21:00; Fr 12:00-22:00; Sa 15:00-22:00; Su 15:00-21:00; Tu off Restaurant - 93mSpuntini e Vino Weinstraße, 5 47669 Wachtendonk Restaurant - 257mZum Schwan Bruchstraße, 1 Phone: +49 2836 1775 Email: info@zum-schwan-wachtendonk.de Weine, Bistro, Feinkost Opening hours: Mo,Tu off; We-Sa 17:00-22:30; Su 13:00-21:00 Restaurant - 187mRestaurant Büskens Weinstraße, 24 47669 Wachtendonk Phone: +49 2836 495 Email: info@ttw-bueskens.de Opening hours: Tu-Th 12:00-14:00,17:00-21:00; PH,Fr-Su 12:00-18:00+ Restaurant - 363mRistorante Pulverturm da Francesco - Francesco Incardona Am Pulverturm, 12 47669 Wachtendonk Phone: +49 2836 971 470 Email: pulverturm-da-francesco@t-online.de Opening hours: Mo,We-Sa 12:00-14:00; 17:30-21:00; Su 11:30-15:00, 17:30-21:00; Tu offOther Recycling - 502m - - leisten-textilrecycling.de Achter de Stadt Fountain - 83m - Feldstraße, 28 government offices - 105mGemeindewerke Wachtendonk Weinstraße, 3 Phone: +49 2836 915581 Opening hours: Mo-Th 08:00-15:30; Fr 08:00-12:00 Ice Cream - 520mEiscafe JoJo - Marion Oomen Bergstraße, 4 Phone: +49 2836 972655 Email: info@eiscafe-jojo.de Opening hours: Mo-Su 11:00-20:15 religious offices - 116mPfarrheim Kirchplatz, 7 Shelter - 387m - Moorenstraße, 1 Waste Basket - 86m - Feldstraße, 28 Waste Basket - 342m - Friedensplatz Charging Station - 175mE-Bike-Ladestation - Restaurant Altdeutsche Gaststätte Büskens - public access Weinstraße, 22 Genaue Lage unbekannt. Restaurant Altdeutsche Gaststätte Büskens Charging Station - 360mE-Bike-Ladestation - Restaurant Pulverturm Am Pulverturm, 12 Genaue Lage unbekannt. Restaurant Pulverturm Social Facility - 220mSt. Josef-Stift Mühlenwall Phone: +49 2836 9114990 Email: info@st-josef-stift-wachtendonk.de shop-deli;wine - 257mZum Schwan Bruchstraße, 1 Phone: +49 2836 1775 Email: info@zum-schwan-wachtendonk.de Weine, Bistro, Feinkost Opening hours: Mo,Tu off; We-Sa 17:00-22:30; Su 13:00-21:00 Connected streets List of streets and squares connected with